Peruvian Scene in the 70s

Traffic Sound: Chicama Way and Meshkalina
Both extracted from Traffic Sound (1970) and Lux (1971)
See also Yellow Sea Years 68-71 (Vampisoul, 2005)
From Peruvian scene in the seventies, Traffic Sound were contempories of groups such as Black Sugar, We All Together and Telegrah Ave. As well as Edip Akbayram's group in the 70s Turkish scene, they were awared with British Rock. I found on youtube a documentary entitled Retrospectiva del Rock Peruano en dos partes produced by Ceclia Valenzuela. She's reporter on peruvian television, Frecuencia Latina. Check out part 1 and part 2.
Traffic Sound appeared in this cultural and political context. Fietta Jarque wrote: "the powerful outcome of 1968 was the driving force for change for change and rebellion in the world. The hippie aura and psychedelia were a distinct brand, their songs spoke of colorful visions and lysergic experiences. Meanwhile, in October of that year, a military coup ended the democratic system in Peru and a left-wing, anti-oligarchic and anti-american dictatorship was established: the self-proclaimed Revolutionary which lasted eleven years."
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