Afro Fuzz Psych Sound

Demon Fuzz: Past Present And Future and Disillusioned
From Afreaka! (Dawn(UK)/Janus(US), 1970)
Fu@# ! Yousendit change his link's properties. Please, click on the link to get the tracks. I'll see how to settle with later.
Sorry, didn't be there for a time, I was searching some good tunes for you. Above all, I wanted to react on what cHUCk dA fONk tell me few days ago "Adlib, more cowbells please!". By chance I find Demon Fuzz Afreaka!'s album. Perhaps you discover it with djmaru's great post. --- Just djmaru wrote some errors, I forgive him ;) ---
"Released in November 1970, their sole album, the extraodinary Afreaka!, saw them mash up and master various musical genres - stoned psychedelic soul, Afro jazz, blackacid rock/blues, dub-heavy funk, free festival-era progressive rock. (...) But despite the heady nature of their rampant musical cross-pollination, and the notwithstanding a vigoros live schedule that saw them participate in many of the leading UK underground of the era. (...) In common with various other rock-oriented, British black music acts of the time (Black Velvet, Assagai, Cymande, Noir), the band faded from view almost before anyone had noticed them, leaving the lighter, more upbeat Osibisa as the token UK-based act to introduce African rythms into the mainstram music scene." (by David Wells, June 2005)
Enjoy !!!
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