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Serge Gainsbourg: Melody
From Histoire de Melody Nelson (Philips, 1971)
Jean-Claude Vannier: Je M'Appelle Geraldine
From L'Enfant Assassin des Mouches (reed. Finders Keepers, 1972)
I usually post anything about french scene. But we like here bring together two albums. Sometimes we do something in a subjective way. So back in France with two greats musicians well-known all around the world. Like everywhere in the world, 1971 is an exciting year in France. Recently, friends were speaking about Dashiell Hedayat. This year, while Gong was recording the album 'Camembert Electrique', with Gong members Dashiell was the author of his second album called 'Obsolete'. An excellent one above all known for the strongly psychedelic rock tune Chrysler Rose. Listen this tune on his myspace page. There's many others exemple to describe what was rock scene in France this year. I read they were influenced by british rock of that time, groups such as King Crimson. But with listining this both album, Histoire de Melody Nelson and L'Enfant Assassin des Mouches, I feel like I was listening to Electric Prunes, David Axelrod's Song of Innocence, The Beatles's Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band or Frank Zappa.
The entire Jean Claude Vannier's album is inspired by his work he did with Serge Gainsbourg in 1971. The tune 'Je M'Appelle Geraldine', availabe on L'Enfant Assassin des Mouches, is taken from Point d'Interrogation recorded in 1966. It's a super-rare 7" EP from this radio show on France Inter, french national public radio.
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